Past NKFW Events

2014 North Korea Freedom Week, Seoul, South Korea (April 27 – May 4, 2014)
The report regarding the 11th Annual North Korea Freedom Week will be available soon. Please check back with us. For the Schedule of Events, click here.

2013 North Korea Freedom Week (10th Anniversary), Seoul South Korea (April 28 – May 6, 2013)

Report, Acknowledgments, Photos, Articles, Schedule of Events

2012 North Korea Freedom Week, Seoul, South Korea (April 22 – May 1, 2012)
Acknowledgments, Photos, and Summary
Personal Reflections by Suzanne Scholte

2011 North Korea Freedom Week, Seoul, South Korea (April – May 2011)

Acknowledgments, Photos, and Summary
Schedule of Events
Message from Ambassador Robert King, Special Envoy for North Korea Human Rights Issues

2010 North Korea Freedom Week, Seoul, South Korea (April 25 – May 1, 2010)
Acknowledgements, News Reports, and Photos
Schedule of Events
NKFW Flyer in English

NKFW Flyer in Korean

2009 North Korea Freedom Week, Washington, D.C. (April 26 – May 2, 2009)
Statements of Governor Kim Moon Soon, Hwang Yang Yop, Rabbi Abraham Cooper
Bios for Demonstration Speakers
Visiting NK Defectors and VIP Delegation List
Schedule of Events
Press Release
Did You Know? Factsheet
Silence is Death for North Koreans Flyer
Raise Our Voices Flyer (Korean) (English)

2004 First North Korea Freedom Day, Washington, D.C. (April 28, 2004)

Additional Info about past NKFC events coming soon.